Pain Management Specialists

The body`s pain is a natural method for our bodies to communicate with us. But chronic pain can be tiring, frustrating and even debilitating.

Our pain clinic employs an approach that`s bio-psychosocial in order to help patients deal with their pain. This may include physiotherapy, medications and minimally invasive interventional pain procedures. Medicines can be administered either intravenously or orally.


Pain can be acute chronic, or a mix of both. It also can impact the quality of sleep, mood, and overall quality of life. The specialists in pain management provide various treatment and medical methods to lessen pain and improve quality of life of patients.

They use a multi-disciplinary method to treat pain and they focus on the total patient so that they can return to their normal routine as quickly as possible. These treatments include physiotherapy as well as medication as well non-surgical procedures that include nerve block and acupuncture.

Castle Connolly has recognized them as having the best Doctors. The facilities are outfitted with the most advanced medical equipment manufactured by reliable manufacturers like 3M, GE and Siemens. They also have affiliations with hospitals so that you can continue your treatment in the event of your admission to a hospital. This gives you security of knowing that your treatment is the most thorough possible.


The practice of physiotherapy is an integral component of the treatment for chronic pain. It helps improve mobility, reduce muscle tension and improve sleep patterns. It is also a great option to treat anxiety and depression which could be contributing to or causing the pain.

It is best to find an office that has multidisciplinary approaches to managing pain. It includes an PT who can assess and treat movement problems and provide you with exercise suggestions. They could recommend Pilates Yoga, Yoga Tai Chi, Tai Chi, or Swimming as beneficial exercises to alleviate discomfort and improve overall health.

Look for a pain clinic that also offers psychological assistance, such as therapy and counselling, and also teaches relaxation techniques. This will aid in reducing depression and anxiety, which makes your pain worse, and can lead to a poor quality of living. It`s important to keep a chronic log of your symptoms and the impact they can have on your.


Pain Management

It is an aspect of the body`s normal communication system. The cause of pain can be from injuries, illness, or other ailments. It is possible for pain to be severe and disappear when the injury heals, or chronic pain can last several months or even years. The specialists in pain can reduce the pain with medications treatments, procedures and exercises.

An expert in pain management will begin the first session with you gaining an understanding of the specifics of your pain. They will usually have you assess your pain on a scale, and also describe it as well as paying attention to the symptoms. Do remember to see a paincare singapore if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

Physical examinations will be conducted, where they`ll move and press the affected region. They can also perform tests for blood and x-rays in order to determine the severity of the discomfort. They will then give you an initial diagnosis or a working one basing on the results of tests and their experience.