Pest Control San Diego

Pests such as termites, bed bugs and ants can be an enormous pain – but that doesn’t have to be your fate! You don’t have to fight them forever.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be an invaluable way to keep pests at bay from people and their property. Storing woodpiles, lumber piles, lumber crates and gardening equipment in rodent-proof containers helps prevent nesting sites for unwanted visitors from emerging. Trim trees and bushes regularly to eliminate nesting sites for unwanted creatures.


San Diego is famous for its glorious climate and friendly people; unfortunately it also hosts its share of pests such as termites. Regular termite inspections are recommended if you want to avoid an infestation of termites. Early detection can prevent the need for major repairs.

Once termite swarmers appear around your home, it can be an early telltale sign of termite infestation. Mature termites will break off into their own colonies during swarming period and sprout wings; later the swarmers fly away and settle somewhere new, leaving behind wings and sawdust-like droppings behind them.

Experts in pest control can provide advice on how to deal with termite invasions. Fumigation is a common method that involves sealing an area infested with a tent, and using fumigant gases to destroy the structures where termites live. Heat control is another method that involves blowing hot air directly onto pests to kill them.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers that can hitch rides with anyone from hotels to taxi cabs to movie theaters – even your clothing! Once inside your home, these appleseed-sized blood sucking parasites can quickly multiply; one female bed bug may lay one to five eggs daily before reaching adulthood within three weeks.

Search for reddish-brown, oval bodies approximately the size of a lentil or apple seed with small itchy bites and reddish-brown spots on their bodies that resemble lentils or appleseeds and small, itchy bites. Bed bugs don’t fly or jump, but rather crawl across walls, floors and ceilings. Bed bugs hide during the day in crevices and seams along edges of mattresses and bedding as well as behind baseboards or inside upholstered furniture before becoming active at night when searching for warm bodies to feed on. They leave behind darkened spots and darkened spots on non porous surfaces and leave their imprint of fecal spots as evidence of their presence behind.


Ants are one of the most prevalent pests found in homes and businesses alike. Although ants do not have as many benefits for the environment as other insects (see Ant Fact #7) they are still essential scavengers. They clean up dead animals, plants and debris that could threaten living organisms as they come across them.

Payne technicians utilize low impact sprays and baits to control ants. After identifying the species that attract ants and completing an initial inspection, technicians use baits or sprays that target specific contributing factors.

Ants often target homes’ interiors due to their affinity for sweets, syrups and honey. Once an ant scout finds food she takes it back to her nest where the cycle continues. Property owners can prevent future ant infestations by clearing away garbage, wood debris and any attractants such as crumbs; vacuuming countertops frequently. Reducing food spillage or crumbs from countertops also plays an important role.


The rodents (order Rodentia), are mammals that have two sets of front teeth, called incisors, which appear in both jaws. The animals are found in a variety of habitats. They can adapt to changes in the environment and make great pets, such as gophers.

While rodents usually eat seeds, grains, fruits and animal meat, some species are omnivorous and will also eat seeds and grains as sources of sustenance. Unfortunately, rats and mice can be detrimental to both homes and businesses by carrying harmful bacteria, viruses and allergens that could compromise food supply chains and cause food contamination.

Restaurant owners and other business owners must take extra precaution in protecting their establishment from rodents such as ants, mice, rats and cockroaches as these pests can spread harmful pathogens that make customers and employees sick. It is important to research the history of a company before hiring them to remove pests from commercial environments. This can be done online or directly by speaking to one.